七水硫酸鋅成品設備現場處Zinc sulphate heptahydrate finished product equipment site2
XBT型冶煉二氧化硫鉛煙旋流水幕回收凈化雙塔XBT type smelting sulfur dioxide lead smoke cyclone water curtain recovery and purification double tower3
ZC-II型一體化全自動脈沖布袋除塵回收凈化設備ZC-II type integrated full-automatic pulse bag dust removal, recovery and purification equipment4
QY-YB型多功能一體化全自動污水處理設備QY-YB type multifunctional integrated automatic sewage treatment equipment5
JWC型一體化有機無機化工廢氣凈化處理設備JWC type integrated organic and inorganic chemical waste gas purification treatment equipment6
JWB型新式啟動型內化成蓄電池自動生產線JWB type new start-up internalized battery automatic production line7
JWB型硫酸槽JWB type sulfuric acid tank8
DOW型全自動反滲透純水設備DOW type automatic reverse osmosis pure water equipment工業領域中煙氣脫硫脫...